
2013年01月07日16:30 | 中国发展门户网 www.chinagate.cn | 给编辑写信 字号:T|T
关键词: 中国 助残 艺术 盲人 摄影 成果 非视觉 表达 残疾人

Introduction: “Art Beyond Sight”


The “Art Beyond Sight” Non-Visual Photography activity is a joint activity of two partners of an HI supported project, with One Plus One (Beijing) Disabled Persons’ Cultural Development Center and the Tibet Blind Association. One Plus One is the first local disabled person’s organization who brought the concept of non-visual photography into China. For this project, in August 2012, two visually impaired trainers from One Plus One went to Tibet and trained 9 visually impaired students (blind and partially sighted) from the Tibet Blind School for a week on the subject of non-visual photography. The photos that are presented in this exhibition are the outcome of this training.

本次《视觉之外的艺术》非视觉摄影展,是来自国际助残长期支持的两家项目合作伙伴:一加一(北京)残障人文化发展中心和西藏盲人协会,举办的一次联合活动。一加一作为中国本土残障人自助型的非营利组织之一,第一个将盲人非视觉摄影概念和项目引入中国。为了本次活动,一加一的2名视障培训师在2012年8月来到西藏为西藏盲校的9名视障 (全盲和低视力) 学生进行了为其一周的非视觉摄影主题培训。本次展览的照片即为这次培训的成果。

Sight, for photographers who can see, is their principal working tool, to recognize and interpret the objects that surround them. It is for this reason that photography is considered a visual art. However, photography is more than just a visual art - it is a tool that photographer use to express themselves and it requires a process of identification, reaction and creation, regardless of what senses are used to achieve this. Now, visually impaired photographers use their other senses in addition to and other than sight to create images. Touch, smell and sound are used to discover subjects, and understand the impact of distance. Through captions of each picture, they tell us their understanding and discovery of the world.

视觉,对于普通的摄影师来说,在他们的工作中用来认知和感受周围物体,是不可或缺的。因此,摄影被认为是一种视觉艺术。然而,摄影本身不仅仅只是一门视觉艺术,它更是一种摄影者本人自我表达和观察世界的一种工具, 是一个认知、反应和创造的过程,无论摄影者用何种感觉来实现这个过程。 如今,视障摄影师拿起了相机,透过他们视觉以外的其他感觉:听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉,利用摄影的手段创作图片,并在文字描述的辅助下,告诉我们他对世界的理解和探索。

By using photography, visually impaired people can share their feelings and experiences with other people and get the opportunity to communicate expressions of their own creativity, with mainstream society. Blind and partially sighted people who participated in the non-visual photography activity are excited to have the opportunity to take pictures and get involved in the visual world – a world they might previously have been excluded from. They are fully committed to this and hope to share their work with others. It is not only an unique opportunity for them to present their work and communicate with mainstream society but also an innovation which allows the general public to understand visually impaired people from a different perspective, which, it is hoped, will help mainstream society to realize and trust visually impaired people’s abilities, leading to greater inclusion and respect for them.


The great power of any creative undertaking is to engage in a dialogue with an audience. The photographic medium is used to communicate something, regardless of whether the photographer can see or not, and a key element to photography are the emotions involved at the very moment the image is taken.


The very concept of photography by visually impaired people provides an opportunity to explore ideas around vision, blindness, sensory experience and imagery. For blind or partially sighted people, therefore, photography goes beyond its technical and visual aspects. It is about a process of creation, expression and communication that can help address feelings of isolation and provide the means to engage in society, as well as creating dialogue between the seeing and non seeing world.


“Being blind doesn’t mean I can’t feel about the world, it is that I do it from a different angle” By one visually impaired photographer



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